2012年2月26日 星期日

glibc讀書心得 -- Ch1 Introduction

1.1 Getting Started
C語言並沒有內建一些常用的操作,如input/output、memory management等等,這些通通被定義在Standard Library中(glibc)。

1.2 Standards and Portability
glibc參考的C Library標準有ISO C(American National Standard X3.159-1989—“ANSI C” and later by the International Standardization Organization (ISO): ISO/IEC 9899:1990, “Programming languages—C”.)和POSIX兩個。以及參考System V和Berkeley UNIX兩個實做而成。

1.3 Using the Library
  1. header files that define types and macros and declare variables and functions
  2. the actual library or archive that contains the definitions of the variables and functions.
為了能使用glibc,你必須將所需的header file,用#include這個preprocessor directive將其引入,嚴格來說,您可以不必include這些header file,只要您可以正確的宣告相關的變數、巨集等等,不過為了效率和能正確的宣告相關變數,我們都會採用header file的形式,將其引入(include)。至於Macro的部份就參考我之前的C preprocessor的文章GCC - C Preprocessor應該會更清楚。
關於Reserved Names個人覺得還蠻重要的,就直接貼出來了:
  1. Names beginning with a capital ‘E’ followed a digit or uppercase letter may be used for additional error code names. See Chapter 2 [Error Reporting], page 13.
  2. Names that begin with either ‘is’ or ‘to’ followed by a lowercase letter may be used for additional character testing and conversion functions. See Chapter 4 [Character Handling], page 65.
  3. Names that begin with ‘LC_’ followed by an uppercase letter may be used for additional macros specifying locale attributes. See Chapter 7 [Locales and Internationalization], page 150.
  4. Names of all existing mathematics functions (see Chapter 19 [Mathematics], page 466) suffixed with ‘f’ or ‘l’ are reserved for corresponding functions that operate on float and long double arguments, respectively.
  5. Names that begin with ‘SIG’ followed by an uppercase letter are reserved for additional signal names. See Section 24.2 [Standard Signals], page 592.
  6. Names that begin with ‘SIG_’ followed by an uppercase letter are reserved for additional signal actions. See Section 24.3.1 [Basic Signal Handling], page 600.
  7. Names beginning with ‘str’, ‘mem’, or ‘wcs’ followed by a lowercase letter are reserved for additional string and array functions. See Chapter 5 [String and Array Utilities], page 73.
  8. Names that end with ‘_t’ are reserved for additional type names.

  1. The GNU C Library, Chapter 1
