2022年2月27日 星期日

lighttpd & CGI note

CGIC提供了簡單的API, 存取那一些CGIC已經幫你parse好的資料,比如: cgiRequestMethod, cgiRemoteAddr, cgiScriptName, 以及POST/GET資料等等, header的資料可以透過environ讀取
可以透過cgiFormEntries(char ***result)抓key, 再透過cgiFormString(char *name, char *result, int max)取得資料,
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cgic.h>
extern char **environ;

int cgiMain() {
  char **array, **arrayStep, val[64];
  fprintf(cgiOut, "cgiRequestMethod:%s\n", cgiRequestMethod);
  fprintf(cgiOut, "cgiRemoteAddr:%s\n", cgiRemoteAddr);
  fprintf(cgiOut, "cgiScriptName:%s\n", cgiScriptName);
  fprintf(cgiOut, "cgiContentType:%s\n", cgiContentType);
  fprintf(cgiOut, "used for GET, cgiQueryString:%s\n", cgiQueryString);

  if (cgiFormEntries(&array) == cgiFormSuccess) {
      for (arrayStep = array; *arrayStep; arrayStep++) {
          fprintf(cgiOut, "get post by cgiFormEntries():%s\n", *arrayStep);
          cgiFormString(*arrayStep, val, sizeof(val));
          fprintf(cgiOut, "val:%s\n", val);
  for (array = environ; *array; array++) {
      fprintf(cgiOut, "get from env:%s\n", *array);

  return 0;


[brook@:/var/www/html]$ curl -H "xhead: 123" --noproxy
used for GET, cgiQueryString:xquery=123
get post by cgiFormEntries():xquery
get from env:CONTENT_LENGTH=0
get from env:QUERY_STRING=xquery=123
get from env:REQUEST_URI=/cgic.cgi?xquery=123
get from env:REDIRECT_STATUS=200
get from env:SCRIPT_NAME=/cgic.cgi
get from env:SCRIPT_FILENAME=/var/www/html/cgic.cgi
get from env:DOCUMENT_ROOT=/var/www/html
get from env:SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1
get from env:SERVER_SOFTWARE=lighttpd/1.4.64
get from env:GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1
get from env:REQUEST_SCHEME=http
get from env:SERVER_PORT=80
get from env:SERVER_ADDR=
get from env:SERVER_NAME=
get from env:REMOTE_ADDR=
get from env:REMOTE_PORT=52894
get from env:HTTP_HOST=
get from env:HTTP_USER_AGENT=curl/7.47.0
get from env:HTTP_ACCEPT=*/*
get from env:HTTP_XHEAD=123


[brook@:/var/www/html]$ curl -H "xhead: 123" --noproxy -X POST -d 'post1=p1&post2=p2'
used for GET, cgiQueryString:xquery=123
get post by cgiFormEntries():post1
get post by cgiFormEntries():post2
get from env:CONTENT_LENGTH=17
get from env:QUERY_STRING=xquery=123
get from env:REQUEST_URI=/cgic.cgi?xquery=123
get from env:REDIRECT_STATUS=200
get from env:SCRIPT_NAME=/cgic.cgi
get from env:SCRIPT_FILENAME=/var/www/html/cgic.cgi
get from env:DOCUMENT_ROOT=/var/www/html
get from env:SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1
get from env:SERVER_SOFTWARE=lighttpd/1.4.64
get from env:GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1
get from env:REQUEST_SCHEME=http
get from env:SERVER_PORT=80
get from env:SERVER_ADDR=
get from env:SERVER_NAME=
get from env:REMOTE_ADDR=
get from env:REMOTE_PORT=52904
get from env:HTTP_HOST=
get from env:HTTP_USER_AGENT=curl/7.47.0
get from env:HTTP_ACCEPT=*/*
get from env:HTTP_XHEAD=123
get from env:HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH=17
get from env:CONTENT_TYPE=application/x-www-form-urlencoded

header的部分會被轉成HTTP_VAR=val方式存在environment中, 相關的code如下,
  if (is_http_header) {
    memcpy(p, "HTTP_", 5);
    j = 5; /* "HTTP_" */
  /* uppercase alpha */

  for (n = 0; n < r->rqst_headers.used; n++) {
    http_cgi_encode_varname(tb, BUF_PTR_LEN(&ds->key), 1);

  /* create environment */
  http_cgi_headers(r, &opts, cgi_env_add, env);
  pid_t pid = (dfd >= 0) ? fdevent_fork_execve(args[0], args, envp,
    to_cgi_fds[0], from_cgi_fds[1], serrh_fd, dfd): -1;


2022年1月1日 星期六

A pattern for command table

我們常常會需要比對字串/指令後, 執行對應的function, 常見的就是用for loop把command table比對過一次, 但是如果command table大, 效率就不好, 可以用qsort()+bsearch()做binary search以提升效率.

#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> typedef void (*cmd_fp)(char *cmd);
/* * command function */ void hello(char *cmd) { printf("%s(#%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); }
/* * command function */ void world(char *cmd) { printf("%s(#%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } /* The structure for command entry */ struct cmd_ent { char const * cmd; cmd_fp fp; } /* Command table - a command array */ cmd_tab[] = { {"hello", hello}, {"world", world}, }; #define AR_SZ(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0])) int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char cmd[64]; int i; while(fgets(cmd, sizeof(cmd) - 1, stdin)) { cmd[strlen(cmd) - 1] = 0; for (i = 0; i < AR_SZ(cmd_tab); i++) { if (strcmp(cmd, cmd_tab[i].cmd) == 0) { cmd_tab[i].fp(cmd); break; } } if (i == AR_SZ(cmd_tab)) { printf("cmd not found\n"); } } }

qsort() + bsearch() version
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef void (*cmd_fp)(char *cmd);

/* * command function */ void hello(char *cmd) { printf("%s(#%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); }
/* * command function */ static void world(char *cmd) { printf("%s(#%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); }
/* The structure for command entry */ struct cmd_ent { char const * cmd; cmd_fp fp; };
/* Command table that is qsort() + bsearch() version */ static struct cmd_tab { int sz; // total htab size int count; // how many comand entry stored in htab. struct cmd_ent *htab; } cmd_tab; /* * increas htab. it will be invoked once htab is full. */ static struct cmd_ent * realloc_htab_and_copy(int new_sz, struct cmd_ent *otab, int num) { struct cmd_ent *ntab; ntab = (struct cmd_ent *) malloc(sizeof(struct cmd_ent) * new_sz); memset(ntab, 0, sizeof(struct cmd_ent) * new_sz); if (num) { memcpy(ntab, otab, sizeof(struct cmd_ent) * num); free(otab); } return ntab; } /* compare function is used for qsort()/sorting or bsearch()/searching */ static int compmi(const void *v1, const void *v2) { struct cmd_ent* e1 = (struct cmd_ent*) v1; struct cmd_ent* e2 = (struct cmd_ent*) v2; return strcmp(e1->cmd, e2->cmd); } /* used for registering a new "cmd"/"fp" into comand table */ static void reg_cmd(char *cmd, cmd_fp fp) { if (cmd_tab.sz == cmd_tab.count) { cmd_tab.sz = (cmd_tab.sz + 16) * 2; cmd_tab.htab = realloc_htab_and_copy(cmd_tab.sz, cmd_tab.htab, cmd_tab.count); } cmd_tab.htab[cmd_tab.count].cmd = cmd; cmd_tab.htab[cmd_tab.count].fp = fp; cmd_tab.count++; qsort(cmd_tab.htab, cmd_tab.count, sizeof(struct cmd_ent), compmi); } /* an example to register two commands into command table */ static void reg_cmds(void) { reg_cmd("hello", hello); reg_cmd("world", world); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char cmd[64]; struct cmd_ent key, *res; int i; reg_cmds(); while(fgets(cmd, sizeof(cmd) - 1, stdin)) { /* main body for command searching */ cmd[strlen(cmd) - 1] = 0; key.cmd = cmd; res = bsearch(&key, cmd_tab.htab, cmd_tab.count, sizeof(struct cmd_ent), compmi); if (res == NULL) { printf("cmd not found\n"); } else { res->fp(cmd); } } }

2021年1月10日 星期日

Linux Kernel(21)- Pulse-Width Modulation

Duty cycle,所謂的Duty Cycle指的是一段時間內on的百分比(The term duty cycle describes the proportion of 'on' time to the regular interval or 'period' of time),如下圖

Polarity,這裡的Polarity指的是high active或是low active,
 * @PWM_POLARITY_NORMAL: a high signal for the duration of the duty-
 * cycle, followed by a low signal for the remainder of the pulse
 * period
 * @PWM_POLARITY_INVERSED: a low signal for the duration of the duty-
 * cycle, followed by a high signal for the remainder of the pulse
 * period

          _      _      _      _      _      _      _      _     
         | |    | |    | |    | |    | |    | |    | |    | |    
Clock    | |    | |    | |    | |    | |    | |    | |    | |    
       __| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____

                 _      __     ____          ____   _
PWM signal      | |    |  |   |    |        |    | | |
                | |    |  |   |    |        |    | | |
       _________| |____|  |___|    |________|    |_| |___________

Data       0     1       2      4      0      4     1      0
The inclusion of a clock signal is not necessary, as the leading edge of the data signal can be used as the clock if a small offset is added to each data value in order to avoid a data value with a zero length pulse.

                _      __     ___    _____   _      _____   __     _   
               | |    |  |   |   |  |     | | |    |     | |  |   | | 
PWM signal     | |    |  |   |   |  |     | | |    |     | |  |   | |  
             __| |____|  |___|   |__|     |_| |____|     |_|  |___| |_____

Data            0       1      2       4     0        4      1     0
