2018年8月25日 星期六

Using gdbserver to debug MDM9xxx

brook@vista:/home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build$ tar zxvf tmp-glibc/deploy/images/mdm9607/machine-image-mdm9607-dbg.tar.gz

brook@vista:/home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build$ mv usr/lib/.debug/* usr/lib/
brook@vista:/home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build$ mv lib/.debug/* lib

brook@vista:/home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build$ ln -s libconfig.so.9.2.0 usr/lib/libconfig.so.9

brook@vista:/home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build$ ln -s libpthread-2.22.so lib/libpthread.so.0
brook@vista:/home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build$ ln -s librt-2.22.so lib/librt.so.1
brook@vista:/home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build$ ln -s libm-2.22.so lib/libm.so.6
brook@vista:/home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build$ ln -s libc-2.22.so lib/libc.so.6
brook@vista:/home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build$ ln -s ld-2.22.so lib/ld-linux.so.3
brook@vista:/home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build$ ln -s libdl-2.22.so lib/libdl.so.2

brook@vista:/home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build/tmp-glibc/work/armv7a-vfp-neon-oe-linux-gnueabi/myprog/git-r0/build/src$ adb push myprog /usr/bin/myprog

brook@vista:/home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build/tmp-glibc/work/armv7a-vfp-neon-oe-linux-gnueabi/myprog/git-r0/build/src$ adb shell
sh-3.2# gdbserver :2345 /usr/bin/myprog
Process /usr/bin/myprog created; pid = 9035
Listening on port 2345

brook@vista:/home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build/tmp-glibc/work/armv7a-vfp-neon-oe-linux-gnueabi/myprog/git-r0/build/src$ arm-oe-linux-gnueabi-gdb myprog 
GNU gdb (GDB) 7.10.1
Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Reading symbols from myprog...done.
(gdb) set sysroot /home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build/
(gdb) target remote
Remote debugging using
Reading symbols from /home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build//lib/ld-linux.so.3...done.
0xb6fceac0 in ?? ()
(gdb) b main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x7f5595ac: file /home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build/tmp-glibc/work/armv7a-vfp-neon-oe-linux-gnueabi/myprog/git-r0/src/main.c, line 207.
(gdb) c

Breakpoint 1, main (argc=1, argv=0xbefffdf4)
    at /home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build/tmp-glibc/work/armv7a-vfp-neon-oe-linux-gnueabi/myprog/git-r0/src/main.c:207
207     {
(gdb) set sysroot /home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build
warning: .dynamic section for "/home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build/lib/libpthread.so.0" is not at the expected address (wrong library or version mismatch?)
warning: .dynamic section for "/home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build/lib/libm.so.6" is not at the expected address (wrong library or version mismatch?)
warning: .dynamic section for "/home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build/lib/libc.so.6" is not at the expected address (wrong library or version mismatch?)
Use the "info sharedlibrary" command to see the complete listing.
Do you need "set solib-search-path" or "set sysroot"?
Reading symbols from /home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build/usr/lib/libconfig.so.9...done.
Reading symbols from /home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build/lib/libpthread.so.0...done.
Reading symbols from /home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build/lib/librt.so.1...done.
Reading symbols from /home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build/lib/libm.so.6...done.
Reading symbols from /home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build/lib/libc.so.6...done.
Reading symbols from /home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build/lib/libdl.so.2...done.
(gdb) info share
From        To          Syms Read   Shared Object Library
0x7473e7c0  0x7475a328  Yes         /home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build/lib/ld-linux.so.3
0xb6fc42d0  0xb6fca6e0  Yes         /home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build/usr/lib/libconfig.so.9
0xb6ebc210  0xb6ecb4e8  Yes         /home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build/lib/libpthread.so.0
0xb6ea2720  0xb6ea6034  Yes         /home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build/lib/librt.so.1
0xb6e28bf0  0xb6e5ac20  Yes         /home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build/lib/libm.so.6
0xb6ced280  0xb6dee638  Yes         /home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build/lib/libc.so.6
0xb6cc3928  0xb6cc4870  Yes         /home/brook/apps_proc/poky/build/lib/libdl.so.2
確認所有symbol都有找到之後, 就可以開始debug之旅了.

2018年8月11日 星期六

note for "The Art of Readable Code" - CH13 Writing Less Code

The most readable code is no code at all.
  1. Create as much generic “utility” code as possible to remove duplicated code. (See Chapter 10, Extracting Unrelated Subproblems.)
  2. Remove unused code or useless features. (See the following sidebar.)
  3. Keep your project compartmentalized into disconnected subprojects.
  4. Generally, be conscious of the “weight” of your codebase. Keep it light and nimble.

Be Familiar with the Libraries Around You

每隔一段時間應該要花一下時間,讀一下你的 standard library,目的在於能對standard library的API有概念,以便在coding時能聯想到,並大量且反覆地使用這些library。

  • The Art of Readable Code

2018年7月29日 星期日

note for "The Art of Readable Code" - CH12 Turning Thoughts into Code

You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother. 
— Albert Einstein

 We are reading three row iterators in parallel.
 Whenever the rows' times don't line up, advance the rows so they do line up.
 Then print the aligned rows, and advance the rows again.
 Keep doing this until there are no more matching rows left.

def PrintStockTransactions(): 
    stock_iter = ...
    price_iter = ... 
    num_shares_iter = ...

    while True:
        time = AdvanceToMatchingTime(stock_iter, price_iter, num_shares_iter) 
        if time is None:
        # Print the aligned rows.
        print "@", time,
        print stock_iter.ticker_symbol,
        print price_iter.price,
        print num_shares_iter.number_of_shares

  • The Art of Readable Code
