2018年7月29日 星期日

note for "The Art of Readable Code" - CH12 Turning Thoughts into Code

You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother. 
— Albert Einstein

 We are reading three row iterators in parallel.
 Whenever the rows' times don't line up, advance the rows so they do line up.
 Then print the aligned rows, and advance the rows again.
 Keep doing this until there are no more matching rows left.

def PrintStockTransactions(): 
    stock_iter = ...
    price_iter = ... 
    num_shares_iter = ...

    while True:
        time = AdvanceToMatchingTime(stock_iter, price_iter, num_shares_iter) 
        if time is None:
        # Print the aligned rows.
        print "@", time,
        print stock_iter.ticker_symbol,
        print price_iter.price,
        print num_shares_iter.number_of_shares

  • The Art of Readable Code

note for "The Art of Readable Code" - CH11 One Task at a Time

Code should be organized so that it’s doing only one task at a time.舉個投票例子,投UP則+1,Down則-1,結果為所有投票總和,如果依據該rule,則code應該是
var vote_changed = function (vote) {
    var score = get_score();
    score += vote_value(vote);


  • The Art of Readable Code

2018年7月28日 星期六

note for "The Art of Readable Code" - CH10 Extracting Unrelated Subproblems

將子問題抽離,讓function專注在處理問題本身上面,首先要先了解這個function的"目的",接著抽離與"目的"無關的子問題,將這些子問題一一寫成獨立的function,如:(簡單說就主程式專注在邏輯上,細節部分就一一寫成sub function處理)
// Return which element of 'array' is closest to the given latitude/longitude.
// Models the Earth as a perfect sphere.
var findClosestLocation = function (lat, lng, array) {
    var closest;
    var closest_dist = Number.MAX_VALUE;
    for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i += 1) {
        // Convert both points to radians.
        var lat_rad = radians(lat);
        var lng_rad = radians(lng);
        var lat2_rad = radians(array[i].latitude);
        var lng2_rad = radians(array[i].longitude);
        // Use the "Spherical Law of Cosines" formula.
        var dist = Math.acos(Math.sin(lat_rad) * Math.sin(lat2_rad) +
                             Math.cos(lat_rad) * Math.cos(lat2_rad) *
                             Math.cos(lng2_rad - lng_rad));
        if (dist < closest_dist) {
             closest = array[i];
             closest_dist = dist;
    return closest;

var spherical_distance = function (lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2) {
    var lat1_rad = radians(lat1);
    var lng1_rad = radians(lng1);
    var lat2_rad = radians(lat2);
    var lng2_rad = radians(lng2);
    // Use the "Spherical Law of Cosines" formula.
    return Math.acos(Math.sin(lat1_rad) * Math.sin(lat2_rad) +
                     Math.cos(lat1_rad) * Math.cos(lat2_rad) *

var findClosestLocation = function (lat, lng, array) {
    var closest;
    var closest_dist = Number.MAX_VALUE;
    for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i += 1) {
        var dist = spherical_distance(lat, lng, array[i].latitude, array[i].longitude);
        if (dist < closest_dist) {
            closest = array[i];
            closest_dist = dist;
    return closest;

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  • The Art of Readable Code
