2022年7月10日 星期日

CMake - Step 4: Installing and Testing - Testing

這章節要來解釋如何在CMAKE中加入auto test功能, 主要是透過enable_testing()啟動testing功能, 並透過add_test()間接呼叫ctest執行測試, 以及set_tests_properties(PROPERTIES PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION)來驗證執行結果
# Require a minimum version of cmake.
# cmake_minimum_required(VERSION <min>>[...<policy_max>] [FATAL_ERROR])
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)

# Set the name of the project.
# project(<PROJECT-NAME< [<anguage-name>...])
# project(<PROJECT-NAME>
#         [VERSION <major>[.<minor>[.<patch>[.<tweak>]]]]
#         [DESCRIPTION <project-description-string>]
#         [LANGUAGES <language-name>...])
project(Tutorial VERSION DESCRIPTION "This is Brook 1st CMake Lib")

# Add an executable to the project using the specified source files.
# add_executable(<name> [WIN32] [MACOSX_BUNDLE]
#                [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL]
#                [source1] [source2 ...])
add_executable(Tutorial hello.c)

# option(<variable> "" [value])
option(USE_MYMATH "Use tutorial provided math implementation" ON)

# configure_file(<input> <output>
#                FILE_PERMISSIONS <permissions>...]
#               [COPYONLY] [ESCAPE_QUOTES] [@ONLY]
#               [NEWLINE_STYLE [UNIX|DOS|WIN32|LF|CRLF] ])
# configure a header file to pass some of the CMake settings
# to the source code
configure_file(Config.h.in Config.h)

# Add a subdirectory to the build.
# add_subdirectory(source_dir [binary_dir]
#                        [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL])

# list(APPEND <list> [<element> ...])
# Appends elements to the list.
# If no variable named <list> exists in the current
# scope its value is treated as empty and the elements
# are appended to that empty list.

# Specify libraries or flags to use when linking a given target and/or its dependents.
# target_link_libraries(<target>
#                      <PRIVATE|PUBLIC|INTERFACE> ...
#                      [<PRIVATE|PUBLIC|INTERFACE> ...]...)
target_link_libraries(Tutorial PUBLIC ${EXTRA_LIBS})

# Add include directories to a target.
# target_include_directories(<target> [SYSTEM] [AFTER|BEFORE]
#   [<INTERFACE|PUBLIC|PRIVATE> [items2...] ...])
target_include_directories(Tutorial PUBLIC "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}")

# Enable testing for current directory and below.

# Start recording a function for later invocation as a command.
# function(<name> [<arg1> ...])
#         <commands>
# endfunction()
function(do_test target arg result)
  # Add a test to the project to be run by ctest(1).
  #add_test(NAME <name> COMMAND <command> [<arg>...]
  #         [CONFIGURATIONS <config>...]
  #         [WORKING_DIRECTORY <dir>]
  #          [COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS])
  # Adds a test called <name>
  add_test(NAME Comp${arg} COMMAND ${target} ${arg})

  # Set a property of the tests.
  # set_tests_properties(test1 [test2...] PROPERTIES prop1 value1 prop2 value2)

do_test(Tutorial 4 "mymath: 16")

上述範例主要透過do_test(Tutorial 4 "mymath: 16")執行測試, 而do_test為我們自訂的function, 透過add_test(NAME Comp${arg} COMMAND ${target} ${arg})執行ctest與set_tests_properties(Comp${arg} PROPERTIES PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION ${result})驗證執行結果, 這裡的${result}就等於"mymath: 16", 要根據輸出結果作對應修改.
[brook@:~/Projects/cmake/04-2]$ mkdir build && cd build
[brook@:~/Projects/cmake/04-2/build]$ cmake ../src/ && make all test ARGS="-V"
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 7.5.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 7.5.0
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /build/brook/Projects/cmake/04-2/build
Scanning dependencies of target MyMathLib1
[ 25%] Building C object mymath01/CMakeFiles/MyMathLib1.dir/mymath01.c.o
[ 50%] Linking C static library libMyMathLib1.a
[ 50%] Built target MyMathLib1
Scanning dependencies of target Tutorial
[ 75%] Building C object CMakeFiles/Tutorial.dir/hello.c.o
/build/brook/Projects/cmake/04-2/src/hello.c:6:9: note: #pragma message: use mymath
 #pragma message("use mymath")
[100%] Linking C executable Tutorial
[100%] Built target Tutorial
Running tests...
UpdateCTestConfiguration  from :/build/brook/Projects/cmake/04-2/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
UpdateCTestConfiguration  from :/build/brook/Projects/cmake/04-2/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
Test project /build/brook/Projects/cmake/04-2/build
Constructing a list of tests
Done constructing a list of tests
Updating test list for fixtures
Added 0 tests to meet fixture requirements
Checking test dependency graph...
Checking test dependency graph end
test 1
    Start 1: Comp4

1: Test command: /build/brook/Projects/cmake/04-2/build/Tutorial "4"
1: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
1: mymath: 16
1/1 Test #1: Comp4 ............................   Passed    0.01 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 1

Total Test time (real) =   0.01 sec
[brook@:~/Projects/cmake/04-2/build]$ cmake ../src/ && make all test
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /build/brook/Projects/cmake/04-2/build
[ 50%] Built target MyMathLib1
[100%] Built target Tutorial
Running tests...
Test project /build/brook/Projects/cmake/04-2/build
    Start 1: Comp4
1/1 Test #1: Comp4 ............................   Passed    0.00 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 1

Total Test time (real) =   0.01 sec

利用make test ARGS="-V"多印一些ctest的output, 這樣比較容易debug

2022年7月2日 星期六

CMake - Step 4: Installing and Testing - Installing

install() 用來產生installation rules, 這個章節主要談兩個install指令,install(TARGETS)與install(FILES).cmake的install選像是在3.15之後才支援, 之前的版本請直接用"make install [DESTDIR=<destdir>]
[brook@:~/Projects/cmake/04]$ tree
`-- src
    |-- CMakeLists.txt
    |-- Config.h.in
    |-- hello.c
    `-- mymath01
        |-- CMakeLists.txt
        |-- mymath01.c
        `-- mymath01.h

2 directories, 6 files
[brook@:~/Projects/cmake/04]$ cat src/CMakeLists.txt
# Require a minimum version of cmake.
# cmake_minimum_required(VERSION <min>[...<policy_max>] [FATAL_ERROR])
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)

# Set the name of the project.
# project(<PROJECT-NAME< [<anguage-name>...])
# project(<PROJECT-NAME>
#         [VERSION <major>[.<minor>[.<patch>[.<tweak>]]]]
#         [DESCRIPTION <project-description-string>]
#         [LANGUAGES <language-name>...])
project(Tutorial VERSION DESCRIPTION "This is Brook 1st CMake Lib")

# Add an executable to the project using the specified source files.
# add_executable(<name> [WIN32] [MACOSX_BUNDLE]
#                [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL]
#                [source1] [source2 ...])
add_executable(Tutorial hello.c)

# option(<variable> "<help_text>" [value])
option(USE_MYMATH "Use tutorial provided math implementation" ON)

# configure_file(<input> <output>
#                FILE_PERMISSIONS <permissions>...]
#               [COPYONLY] [ESCAPE_QUOTES] [@ONLY]
#               [NEWLINE_STYLE [UNIX|DOS|WIN32|LF|CRLF] ])
# configure a header file to pass some of the CMake settings
# to the source code
configure_file(Config.h.in Config.h)

# Add a subdirectory to the build.
# add_subdirectory(source_dir [binary_dir]
#                        [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL])

# list(APPEND <list> [<element> ...])
# Appends elements to the list.
# If no variable named <list> exists in the current
# scope its value is treated as empty and the elements
# are appended to that empty list.

# Specify libraries or flags to use when linking a given target and/or its dependents.
# target_link_libraries(<target>
#                      <PRIVATE|PUBLIC|INTERFACE> ...
#                      [<PRIVATE|PUBLIC|INTERFACE> ...]...)
target_link_libraries(Tutorial PUBLIC ${EXTRA_LIBS})

# Add include directories to a target.
# target_include_directories(<target> [SYSTEM] [AFTER|BEFORE]
#   [<INTERFACE|PUBLIC|PRIVATE> [items2...] ...])
target_include_directories(Tutorial PUBLIC "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}")

install(TARGETS Tutorial DESTINATION bin)
install(FILES "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/Config.h" DESTINATION include)

[brook@:~/Projects/cmake/04]$ cat src/mymath01/CMakeLists.txt
# Add a library to the project using the specified source files.
# add_library(<name> [STATIC | SHARED | MODULE]
#             [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL]
#                       source1 [source2 ...])
add_library(MyMathLib1 mymath01.c)

# target_include_directories(<target> [SYSTEM] [AFTER|BEFORE]
#    [<INTERFACE|PUBLIC|PRIVATE> [items2...] ...])
# target_include_directories(MyMathLib1 PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
target_include_directories(MyMathLib1 INTERFACE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})

# install(TARGETS targets... [EXPORT <export-name>]
#          [DESTINATION <dir>]
#          [PERMISSIONS permissions...]
#          [CONFIGURATIONS [Debug|Release|...]]
#          [COMPONENT <component>]
#          [NAMELINK_COMPONENT <component>]
#          ] [...]
#         [INCLUDES DESTINATION [<dir> ...]]
install(TARGETS MyMathLib1 DESTINATION lib)

# install(<FILES|PROGRAMS> files...
#        TYPE <type> | DESTINATION <dir>
#              [PERMISSIONS permissions...]
#              [CONFIGURATIONS [Debug|Release|...]]
#              [COMPONENT <component>]
#              [RENAME <name>] [OPTIONAL] [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL])
install(FILES mymath01.h DESTINATION include)

[brook@:~/Projects/cmake/04]$ mkdir build && cd build
[brook@:~/Projects/cmake/04/build]$ cmake ../src
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 7.5.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 7.5.0
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /build/brook/Projects/cmake/04/build
[brook@:~/Projects/cmake/04/build]$ cmake --build .
Scanning dependencies of target MyMathLib1
[ 25%] Building C object mymath01/CMakeFiles/MyMathLib1.dir/mymath01.c.o
[ 50%] Linking C static library libMyMathLib1.a
[ 50%] Built target MyMathLib1
Scanning dependencies of target Tutorial
[ 75%] Building C object CMakeFiles/Tutorial.dir/hello.c.o
/build/brook/Projects/cmake/04/src/hello.c:6:9: note: #pragma message: use mymath
 #pragma message("use mymath")
[100%] Linking C executable Tutorial
[100%] Built target Tutorial
[brook@:~/Projects/cmake/04/build]$ make install
[ 50%] Built target MyMathLib1
[100%] Built target Tutorial
Install the project...
-- Install configuration: ""
-- Installing: /usr/local/bin/Tutorial
CMake Error at cmake_install.cmake:47 (file):
  file INSTALL cannot copy file
  "/build/brook/Projects/cmake/04/build/Tutorial" to

Makefile:117: recipe for target 'install' failed
make: *** [install] Error 1
[brook@:~/Projects/cmake/04/build]$ make install DESTDIR=/build/brook/Projects/cmake
[ 50%] Built target MyMathLib1
[100%] Built target Tutorial
Install the project...
-- Install configuration: ""
-- Installing: /build/brook/Projects/cmake/usr/local/bin/Tutorial
-- Installing: /build/brook/Projects/cmake/usr/local/include/Config.h
-- Installing: /build/brook/Projects/cmake/usr/local/lib/libMyMathLib1.a
-- Installing: /build/brook/Projects/cmake/usr/local/include/mymath01.h
[brook@:~/Projects/cmake/04/build]$ tree /build/brook/Projects/cmake/usr/
`-- local
    |-- bin
    |   `-- Tutorial
    |-- include
    |   |-- Config.h
    |   `-- mymath01.h
    `-- lib
        `-- libMyMathLib1.a

4 directories, 4 files

這裡的install主要用了Target/FILES兩個選項, 再搭配DESTINATION參數, DESTINATION是指要安裝到哪個目錄去, 可以是相對路徑或是絕對路徑(relative or absolute paths). 可以透過CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX在cmake時設定prefix, 或在make時透過DESTDIR去改變
[brook@:~/Projects/cmake/04/src]$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/build/brook/Projects/cmake
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 7.5.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 7.5.0
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /build/brook/Projects/cmake/04/src
[brook@:~/Projects/cmake/04/src]$ cmake --build .
Scanning dependencies of target MyMathLib1
[ 25%] Building C object mymath01/CMakeFiles/MyMathLib1.dir/mymath01.c.o
[ 50%] Linking C static library libMyMathLib1.a
[ 50%] Built target MyMathLib1
Scanning dependencies of target Tutorial
[ 75%] Building C object CMakeFiles/Tutorial.dir/hello.c.o
/build/brook/Projects/cmake/04/src/hello.c:6:9: note: #pragma message: use mymath
 #pragma message("use mymath")
[100%] Linking C executable Tutorial
[100%] Built target Tutorial
[brook@:~/Projects/cmake/04/src]$ make install
[ 50%] Built target MyMathLib1
[100%] Built target Tutorial
Install the project...
-- Install configuration: ""
-- Installing: /build/brook/Projects/cmake/bin/Tutorial
-- Installing: /build/brook/Projects/cmake/include/Config.h
-- Installing: /build/brook/Projects/cmake/lib/libMyMathLib1.a
-- Installing: /build/brook/Projects/cmake/include/mymath01.h
[brook@:~/Projects/cmake/04/src]$ make install DESTDIR=/build/brook/Projects/cmake/04
[ 50%] Built target MyMathLib1
[100%] Built target Tutorial
Install the project...
-- Install configuration: ""
-- Installing: /build/brook/Projects/cmake/04/build/brook/Projects/cmake/bin/Tutorial
-- Installing: /build/brook/Projects/cmake/04/build/brook/Projects/cmake/include/Config.h
-- Installing: /build/brook/Projects/cmake/04/build/brook/Projects/cmake/lib/libMyMathLib1.a
-- Installing: /build/brook/Projects/cmake/04/build/brook/Projects/cmake/include/mymath01.h

2022年6月26日 星期日

CMake - Step 3: Adding Usage Requirements for a Library

這個章節想表達, CMAKE可以透過以下這幾個API, 對include或link有更多的控制
  • target_compile_definitions()
  • target_compile_options()
  • target_include_directories()
  • target_link_libraries()
不過這章只提到target_include_directories(), 其INTERFACE/PUBLIC屬性可以讓consumer能找到該header file, 所以之前Step 2的list(APPEND EXTRA_INCLUDES "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/MathFunctions")就可以移除了
[brook@:~/Projects/cmake/03]$ tree src
|-- CMakeLists.txt
|-- Config.h.in
|-- hello.c
`-- mymath01
    |-- CMakeLists.txt
    |-- mymath01.c
    `-- mymath01.h

1 directory, 6 files

[brook@:~/Projects/cmake/03]$ cat src/CMakeLists.txt
# Require a minimum version of cmake.
# cmake_minimum_required(VERSION <min>>[...<policy_max>] [FATAL_ERROR])
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)

# Set the name of the project.
# project(<PROJECT-NAME< [<anguage-name>...])
# project(<PROJECT-NAME>
#         [VERSION <major>[.<minor>[.<patch>[.<tweak>]]]]
#         [DESCRIPTION <project-description-string>]
#         [LANGUAGES <language-name>...])
project(Tutorial VERSION DESCRIPTION "This is Brook 1st CMake Lib")

# Add an executable to the project using the specified source files.
# add_executable(<name> [WIN32] [MACOSX_BUNDLE]
#                [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL]
#                [source1] [source2 ...])
add_executable(Tutorial hello.c)

# option(<variable> "<help_text>" [value])
option(USE_MYMATH "Use tutorial provided math implementation" ON)

# configure_file(<input> <output>
#                FILE_PERMISSIONS <permissions>...]
#               [COPYONLY] [ESCAPE_QUOTES] [@ONLY]
#               [NEWLINE_STYLE [UNIX|DOS|WIN32|LF|CRLF] ])
# configure a header file to pass some of the CMake settings
# to the source code
configure_file(Config.h.in Config.h)

# Add a subdirectory to the build.
# add_subdirectory(source_dir [binary_dir]
#                        [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL])

# list(APPEND <list> [<element> ...])
# Appends elements to the list.
# If no variable named <list> exists in the current
# scope its value is treated as empty and the elements
# are appended to that empty list.

# Specify libraries or flags to use when linking a given target and/or its dependents.
# target_link_libraries(<target>
#                      <PRIVATE|PUBLIC|INTERFACE> <item>...
#                      [<PRIVATE|PUBLIC|INTERFACE> <item>...]...)
target_link_libraries(Tutorial PUBLIC ${EXTRA_LIBS})

# Add include directories to a target.
# target_include_directories(<target> [SYSTEM] [AFTER|BEFORE]
#   [<INTERFACE|PUBLIC|PRIVATE> [items2...] ...])
target_include_directories(Tutorial PUBLIC "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}")
[brook@:~/Projects/cmake/03]$ cat src/Config.h.in
#cmakedefine USE_MYMATH
[brook@:~/Projects/cmake/03]$ cat src/hello.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "Config.h"

#pragma message("use mymath")
#include "mymath01.h"
#pragma message("use system")

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        printf("mymath: %d\n", squar(atoi(argv[1])));
        printf("system: %d\n", (int)pow(atoi(argv[1]), 2));
        return 0;

[brook@:~/Projects/cmake/03]$ cat src/mymath01/CMakeLists.txt
# Add a library to the project using the specified source files.
# add_library(<name> [STATIC | SHARED | MODULE]
#             [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL]
#                       source1 [source2 ...])
add_library(MyMathLib1 mymath01.c)

# target_include_directories(<target> [SYSTEM] [AFTER|BEFORE]
#    [<INTERFACE|PUBLIC|PRIVATE> [items2...] ...])
#Remember INTERFACE means things that consumers require but the producer doesn't.
# target_include_directories(MyMathLib1 PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
target_include_directories(MyMathLib1 INTERFACE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
[brook@:~/Projects/cmake/03]$ cat src/mymath01/mymath01.h
#ifndef MYMATH01_H
#define MYMATH01_H

int squar(int a);

[brook@:~/Projects/cmake/03]$ cat src/mymath01/mymath01.c
#include "mymath01.h"

int squar(int a)
        return a*a;

[brook@:~/Projects/cmake/03]$ mkdir build && cd build
[brook@:~/Projects/cmake/03/build]$ cmake ../src
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 7.5.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 7.5.0
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /build/brook/Projects/cmake/03/build
[brook@:~/Projects/cmake/03/build]$ make
Scanning dependencies of target MyMathLib1
[ 25%] Building C object mymath01/CMakeFiles/MyMathLib1.dir/mymath01.c.o
[ 50%] Linking C static library libMyMathLib1.a
[ 50%] Built target MyMathLib1
Scanning dependencies of target Tutorial
[ 75%] Building C object CMakeFiles/Tutorial.dir/hello.c.o
/build/brook/Projects/cmake/03/src/hello.c:6:9: note: #pragma message: use mymath
 #pragma message("use mymath")
[100%] Linking C executable Tutorial
[100%] Built target Tutorial
[brook@:~/Projects/cmake/03/build]$ ./Tutorial 3
mymath: 9
[brook@:~/Projects/cmake/03/build]$ rm -rf *
[brook@:~/Projects/cmake/03/build]$ cmake ../src -DUSE_MYMATH=off
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 7.5.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 7.5.0
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /build/brook/Projects/cmake/03/build
[brook@:~/Projects/cmake/03/build]$ make
Scanning dependencies of target Tutorial
[ 50%] Building C object CMakeFiles/Tutorial.dir/hello.c.o
/build/brook/Projects/cmake/03/src/hello.c:9:9: note: #pragma message: use system
 #pragma message("use system")
[100%] Linking C executable Tutorial
[100%] Built target Tutorial
[brook@:~/Projects/cmake/03/build]$ ./Tutorial 3
system: 9
