2018年1月28日 星期日

dtc - Device Tree Compiler

從dtc manpage可以簡略瞭解一下DTC(Device Tree Compiler)功能, 就是將device-tree的format轉成另一種format, 其input格式有三種,
  1. dts - device tree source text
  2. dtb - device tree blob
  3. fs - /proc/device-tree style directory

  1. dts - device tree source text
  2. dtb - device tree blob
  3. asm - assembler source

  1. legacy - "linux,phandle" properties only
  2. epapr - "phandle" properties only
  3. both - Both "linux,phandle" and "phandle" properties

根據Device Tree Mysteries,
what is the reason for having a phandle? 
It is really just a hack to get around the fact that device tree does 
not have a pointer data type. 
It is a way to reference 
"that node over there that is related to this node for some reason". 
簡單來說, phandler就是pointer data type, 用個例子說明
pic@10000000 {
    phandle = < 1 >;

A phandle value of 1 is defined. 
Another device node could reference the pic node with a
phandle value of 1:

uart@20000000 {
    interrupt-parent = > 1 >;
"phandle = < 1 >"的"1"是一個隨意的unit32數值, 只要不衝突即可, 但是這並不是很好記, 所以DTC貼心的可以用lable來建立phandle,如下範例
PIC_3: pic@10000000 {

uart@20000000 {
    interrupt-parent = < &PIC_3 >;
這裡的"&"是告訴DTC後面接一個字串, 是個phandle參考到某個lable, 然後DTC就會幫user建立unit32的數值, 建立出phandle. 除此之外也可以使用full path來取代lable, 如下範例
    soc {
        PIC_3: pic@10000000 {

    uart@20000000 {
        interrupt-parent = < &PIC_3 >;

    uart@30000000 {
        interrupt-parent = < &{/soc/pic@10000000} >;

brook@vista:~/dts$ cat test_phandle.dts
    soc {
        PIC_3: pic@10000000 {

    uart@20000000 {
        interrupt-parent = < &PIC_3 >;

    uart@30000000 {
        interrupt-parent = < &{/soc/pic@10000000} >;
brook@vista:~/dts$ dtc -O dtb -I dts test_phandle.dts > test_phandle.dtb
brook@vista:~/dts$ dtc -O dts -I dtb test_phandle.dtb

/ {

        soc {

                pic@10000000 {
                        linux,phandle = <0x1>;
                        phandle = <0x1>;

        uart@20000000 {
                interrupt-parent = <0x1>;

        uart@30000000 {
                interrupt-parent = <0x1>;

這篇文章主要簡單講解利用dtc來轉換dtb與dts, 順帶說明一下phandle是一種pointer data type, 與其基本原理


