2018年6月17日 星期日

Linux Kernel(15.3)- The Linux usage model for device tree data

這篇基本上就是"Documentation/devicetree/usage-model.txt", The Linux usage model for device tree data的筆記

DT(Device Tree,或稱Open Firmware Device Tree)是一個資料結構(data structure)用於讓OS讀取硬體周邊訊息動態執行,因此OS就不用hard code硬體驅動。

所謂的"bindings"就是一組通用的DTS設定,用來描述其硬體,包含了data busses, interrupt lines, GPIO connections, and peripheral devices等等。

盡可能使用現有的binding來描述硬體,以最大限度地利用現有的代碼,但由於property和node名稱只是字串,因此通過定義新property和node可以輕鬆擴展現有binding。 不要沒做功課就自己建立新的binding,i2c busses就因為沒有先確認是否已經有人定義了相關的binding,就建立了新的binding,導致現在有兩套不相容的binding發生。

DT所做的只是提供一種language將硬體設定從device driver分離開來,如此可以透過傳入不同的DT給OS,以適應不同的硬體設定裝置. 進而減少一些重複的code。

1) platform identification,
2) runtime configuration, and
3) device population.

platform identification

首先kernel會先使用DT來辨識特定的機器,並且執行相關的初始化,比如ARM會在setup_arch()呼叫setup_machine_fdt()尋找適合的DT(比對DT root底下的"compatible" property。
    compatible = "ti,omap3-beagleboard-xm", "ti,omap3450", "ti,omap3";
上面的例子定義了"ti,omap3-beagleboard-xm",也宣稱相容"OMAP 3450 SOC"與"OMAP3"系列的SoC,你會注意到這樣的宣稱會從最具體的board到SoC的家族,關於compatible的值必須進行記錄說明其含義。

runtime configuration

一般來說,DT是firmware傳遞資料給kernel的唯一方法,PowerPC呼叫of_scan_flat_dt(early_init_dt_scan_root, NULL)執行early init,ARM則是呼叫mdesc = setup_machine_fdt(__atags_pointer)

device population

在early configuration之後,kernel會用 unflatten_device_tree()將DT轉成device node tree,讓之後的init_early(), init_irq() and init_machine()等等使用,init_early()用於任何需要在啟動過程中儘早執行的設置,init_irq()用於設置中斷處理,而init_machine()負責建立Linux platform device,這裡主要呼叫of_platform_populate()建構platform device。之後的driver也是透過of_platform_populate()建構platform device。
i2c_add_driver( ) @ i2c.h  
  |-> i2c_register_driver() @i2c-core.c /* 將device_driver中的bus_type設成i2c_bus_type */  
    |--> driver_register() @driver.c  
      |--> bus_add_driver() @bus.c /* 建立sysfs file node 與 attr */  
        |--> driver_attach() @dd.c  
          |--> bus_for_each_dev(drv->bus, NULL, drv, __driver_attach) @bus.c  
            |--> __driver_attach @dd.c  
              |--> driver_match_device(drv, dev) @base.h  
                |--> i2c_device_match() @i2c-core.c  
                   如果是device tree, 會透過 of_driver_match_device()去做匹配的動作
                   如果不是device tree就改用 i2c_match_id()去完成匹配的動作
                  /* Attempt an OF style match */
                  if (of_driver_match_device(dev, drv))
                    return 1;

                  /* Then ACPI style match */
                  if (acpi_driver_match_device(dev, drv))
                    return 1;
                  driver = to_i2c_driver(drv);
                  /* match on an id table if there is one */
                  if (driver->id_table)
                    return i2c_match_id(driver->id_table, client) != NULL;
              |--> driver_probe_device() @dd.c  
                /*如果匹配成功, 接下來就要準備 call driver 中的 probe function*/
                |--> really_probe() @dd.c  
                  |--> i2c_device_probe() @i2c-core.c  
                    |--> rt5627_i2c_probe() @rt5627.c  
from http://janbarry0914.blogspot.com/2014/08/device-tree-i2c-device-driver-match.html

2018年4月21日 星期六

A pattern for state machine II - SM framework

我將A pattern for state machine改寫成framework形式,使用者需要先使用sm_alloc()分配一個struct sm,再使用sm_fp_reg()將每個state的callback function掛上,最後有event要執行時,只要呼叫sm_run(sm, new_event)即可。
state的callback function的撰寫邏輯,大致與之前一樣,return下一個state,進入下一個state要做的動作,我都用do_state_x()包起來,而do_state_x()會return 該state。


#ifndef SM_H
#define SM_H

struct sm {
    int cur_state;
    int prv_event;
    void *v;

 * state function
 * @return next state
typedef int (*sm_st_fp)(struct sm *sm, int new_event);
struct sm *sm_alloc(int num_of_state);
int sm_run(struct sm *s, int new_event);
int sm_fp_reg(struct sm *s, int state, sm_st_fp fp);



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "sm.h"

struct _sm {
    struct sm s;
    int num_of_st;
    sm_st_fp fp[0];

struct sm *sm_alloc(int num_of_state)
    struct _sm *_s;
    int sz;

    sz = sizeof(struct _sm) + sizeof(sm_st_fp) * num_of_state;
    _s = (struct _sm*) malloc(sz);
    if (!_s) {
        return NULL;
    memset(_s, 0, sz);
    _s->num_of_st = num_of_state;
    return (struct sm*)_s;

int sm_run(struct sm *s, int new_event)
    struct _sm *_s = (struct _sm*) s;
    if (s->cur_state > _s->num_of_st) {
        printf("out of st\n");
        return -1;

    if (!_s->fp[s->cur_state]) {
        printf("null fp\n");
        return -1;

    s->cur_state = _s->fp[s->cur_state](s, new_event);
    s->prv_event = new_event;
    return 0;

int sm_fp_reg(struct sm *s, int state, sm_st_fp fp)
    struct _sm *_s = (struct _sm*) s;
    if (state > _s->num_of_st) {
        printf("out of st\n");
        return -1;

    _s->fp[state] = fp;
    return 0;


因此每個State Machine都應該定義自己的event與state。
enum state {

enum event {
    E1 = 1,

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct sm *s;
    char ch;
    s = sm_alloc(3);
    if (!s) {
        return -1;
    sm_fp_reg(s, STATE_1, in_state_1);
    sm_fp_reg(s, STATE_2, in_state_2);
    sm_fp_reg(s, STATE_3, in_state_3);
    sm_fp_reg(s, STATE_4, in_state_4);
    while (1) {
        while (((ch = getc(stdin)) == '\n') || (ch < '0') || (ch > '4'));
        sm_run(s, ch - '0');

    return 0;

refine callback function

因為是framework,所以,callback function的定義要改成return int。
int do_s1(void)
    printf("%s(#%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
    return STATE_1;

int do_s2(void)
    printf("%s(#%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
    return STATE_2;

int do_s3(void)
    printf("%s(#%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
    return STATE_3;

int do_s4(void)
    printf("%s(#%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
    return STATE_4;

int in_state_1(struct sm *s, int new_event)
    printf("%s(#%d): pre_evt:%d, new_evt:%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, s->prv_event, new_event);
    switch (new_event) {
        case E1:
            printf("change to S2\n");
            return do_s2();
        case E2:
            printf("change to S3\n");
            return do_s3();
            printf("keep the same STATE && do nothing\n");
            return STATE_1;

int in_state_2(struct sm *s, int new_event)
    printf("%s(#%d): pre_evt:%d, new_evt:%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, s->prv_event, new_event);
    switch (new_event) {
        case E3:
            printf("change to S3\n");
            return do_s3();
            printf("keep the same STATE && do s2 again\n");
            return do_s2();     // do s2 again

int in_state_3(struct sm *s, int new_event)
    printf("%s(#%d): pre_evt:%d, new_evt:%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, s->prv_event, new_event);
    switch (new_event) {
        case E2:
            printf("change to S4\n");
            return do_s4();
            printf("keep the same STATE && do nothing\n");
            return STATE_3;

int in_state_4(struct sm *s, int new_event)
    printf("%s(#%d): pre_evt:%d, new_evt:%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, s->prv_event, new_event);
    switch (new_event) {
        case E1:
            printf("change to S2\n");
            return do_s2();
        case E3:
            printf("change to S1\n");
            return do_s1();
            printf("keep the same STATE && do again\n");
            return do_s4();

2018年4月15日 星期日

赫茲伯格的雙因素激勵理論 - 筆記

雙因素理論(Two Factor Theory)又叫激勵保健理論(Motivator-Hygiene Theory),是美國的行為科學家弗雷德里克·赫茨伯格(Fredrick Herzberg)提出來的。

