基本上Java Script的operators和C/C++/JAVA大致相同,所以這邊只有提出一些不同於C/C++的operators。
=== (identical)
如果資料型態相同,內容相同回傳true,否則回傳false。對於primitive type只要內容相同即可。對於reference type(object/array/function)則是要refence到相同的物件。
var n1 = 123; var n2 = 123; var no = new Number(123); alert("n1 == no ? " + (n1 == no)); alert("n1 === no ? " + (n1 === no)); alert("n1 == n2 ? " + (n1 == n2)); alert("n1 === n2 ? " + (n1 === n2)); var s = "123"; var so = new String("123"); alert("s == so ? " + (s == so)); alert("s === so ? " + (s === so));
in operator
當in為 left-side operator時,可以取值。當in為 right-side operator時,則判斷是否存在。
var point = { x:1, y: 1}; var has_x_coord = "x" in point; alert("x is set ? " + has_x_coord); alert("x is set ? " + ("z" in point)); for (p in point) { alert("point." + p + "=" + eval("point." + p)); }
instanceof operator
var d = new Date(); alert((d instanceof Date)); alert((d instanceof Object)); alert((d instanceof Number));
>> shift right with sign, >>> Shift right with zero fill
這邊就要提到java script的number是如何儲存的,所有的number在java script中,都是以64-bit的IEEE 754表示。所以,思考一下執行完的結果吧。
alert(-1 >> 1); alert(1 >> 1); alert(-1 >>> 1); alert(1 >>> 1);
typeof return a string indicating the datatype of the operand.
var s = "123"; var d = new Date(); alert("typeof s = " + (typeof s)); alert("typeof d = " + (typeof d));